It's the little things that cheer me up......
Infectations (invented affectations)
Straight sided sunglasses.
As worn by women, they have added another dimension to the established art of hair fussing, being showily pushed up onto the head at the slightest whim, even when the sun is REALLY strong (which is the only time you need sun-glasses anyway).
Also a must for shaven-headed or naturally bald men, where the side-pieces can glide smoothly over the temples and up onto the glistening bonce, these bins are frequently sported upside-down on the BACK of the head, particularly on cricket caps or by persons wearing vests and shorts.
Huge bunches of keys
'This is the house, this is the office, this is the gym, this is the car, this is....."
Particularly nasty when adorned with rubber thingies like Smurfs or St. Chris and left dangling from the ignition, threatening to break your knees. Just keep adding to the collection until one day you lose the entire lot, THEN you'll regret it.
Pushing an all-terrain baby conveyor while talking on the 'phone
Why - can't it wait? A danger to peace-loving pedestrians, this activity should be as illegal as using a mobile in a car, with the added bonus that the suspects will be much easier to catch.
Pushing an all-terrain baby conveyor while texting
Can't knock that - too damned clever.
When did all this start?
The Unholy Trinity:
Health and Safety - an excuse to do nothing and persuade others to do the same - safely mind!
Human Resources - previously known as the personnel and wages department, 'HR' seemed sexier.
Management Waffle. DOC - many words, nothing meaningful, presented in a tastefully formatted way.
The changing world of accountancy:
2013: "As an accountant in today’s world, you rarely spend all your time in the office. Being able to access your mission critical applications and data on the move will really help you stay ahead"
19.. "You're going out on an audit. Put this text book in your briefcase."